
【双语】老外郑州过春节!满满的年味儿 Foreigners celebrate the...

is from Germany. Before coming to Zhengzhou, Michael had been engaged in related work in hotel industry and had been to many cities. He said that the rapid economic development in Zhengzhou offers new opportunities everywhere. This was the first Spring Festival for Michael in Zhengzhou. On ...
news.zynews.cn/zz/2019-02/13/content... 2019-2-13


hydraulic, sensing, information, mechanics, guidance and other technologies in one of the high-end equipment, known as the "king of construction machinery", is the major key equipment to measure the level of a country's equipment manufacturing industry. ...
news.zynews.cn/zz/2022/10/22/267...html 2022-10-22


And I would like to underline a couple of features of that roadmap that I think we perceive from the outside. That’s quite essential. It's about transforming the heavy industry. China is to become the biggest industrial power in the world. It is now the second one, but will be leadi...
news.zynews.cn/zgjj/2023/07/28/91821.html 2023-7-28


从巩固拓展脱贫攻坚成果到全面推进乡村振兴,中国实施连续稳定的政策措施,为乡村可持续发展构筑有力保障,形成了适合国情的“DREAM”实践模式,即防返贫动态监测(Dynamic Poverty Prevention)、乡村特色产业支持(Rural Industry Support)、东西部协作(East-West Paired Assistance)、搬迁居民社会融入(Assimilation of Relocated Re...
news.zynews.cn/zgjj/2023/05/25/778... 2023-5-25

记者观察丨丧钟为“港独”势力而鸣!写给彭定康之流 你国也有国安...

(2)If any alien promotes or attempts to promote industrial unrest in any industry in which he has not been bona fide engaged for at least two years immediately preceding in the United Kingdom, he shall be liable on summary conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months. ...
news.zynews.cn/eyes/2020-05/24/content_12269758.htm 2020-5-24

【详情】福布斯亚洲50强榜单出炉 中国23家 韩国8家 印度7家上榜...

三一重工/Sany Heavy Industry 中国 191 51 资本货物 公司 国家/地区 市值(单位:亿美元) 销售额(单位:亿美元) 行业 山东黄金/Shandong Gold-Mining 中国 106 48 材料 塔塔咨询服务公司/Tata Consultancy Services 印度 443 84 技术 腾讯控股/Tencent Holdings 中国 443 30 技术 康师傅控股/Tingyi Holding 中国 ...
news.zynews.cn/2011-09/14/content_12... 2011-9-14

三星或投资夏普1.08亿美元 双方正在谈判 --即时新闻--中原网

去年当夏普业务前景恶化、股价大跌之际,台湾鸿海精密工业股份有限公司(Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., 2317.TW,简称:鸿海精密)曾考虑向夏普投资669亿日圆。在鸿海精密的投资计划落空后,夏普急需注资以确保财务状况稳定。 [作者:潘达 编辑:]分享到: 郑州通 找邻居,交朋友,免费吃喝玩乐,就上郑州通!
news.zynews.cn/2013-03/06/content_42... 2013-3-6

美华媒:中坚企业是台湾产业升级的助力 --即时新闻--中原网

关键在于台湾企业充分发挥分工合作的“打群架”策略,透过相互代工、相互协力的方式,透过交易契约而非整并成为企业内的部门,而以“企业间”(inter-industry)而不是“企业内”(intra-industry)的产业组织模式胜出,这绝对是台湾产业的特色。 此一特色,从外向型出口扩张的劳力密集,到资本密集、技术密集,一概可以适用。
news.zynews.cn/2013-04/01/content_44... 2013-4-1

原高铁总设计师张曙光的火线升迁路 3千平米豪宅曝光--焦点新闻...

688号的神秘房主,正是有“中国高铁总设计师”之称的张曙光和妻子王兴。 2011年1月中旬,山西晋城女商人丁书苗被抓不久,张曙光便赶至美国,将这栋原本由他和王兴共有的别墅全部转入王兴个人名下。王兴则在同一时间关闭了她在工业市(city of industry)的一幢高档写字楼的办公室。这间办公室位于该楼308室,王兴已租用...
news.zynews.cn/2011-12/20/content_16... 2011-12-20