
Zhengzhou fuels green and low-carbon high-quality development...

As one of the national central cities, the core city of central plain urban agglomeration, and an important leading city in the development of the Yellow River Basin, the low-carbon and high-quality development of Zhengzhou is of great significance for leading the green and low-carbon transforma...
news.zynews.cn/zz/2023/03/01/576...html 2023-3-1

Accelerate Project Construction during the Wonderful Spring...

The spring characterized by mild east wind and warm sunlight is a wonderful season during a year. Henan Province is keen on forging ahead. On project construction sites, tower cranes and machinery roar can be seen and heard everywhere, and workers operate in accordance with schedule and rise ab...
news.zynews.cn/zz/2023/03/08/597...html 2023-3-8

【双语】老外郑州过春节!满满的年味儿 Foreigners celebrate the...

Before coming to China, Phelisters Wegesa (Chinese name: Ma Xiaoyue) worked for the Ministry of Health Tanzania as a Quality Assurance Officer, and meanwhile she was also a free-lance writer and a volunteer. Now Phelisters is pursuing her PhD degree in Zhengzhou. In her eyes, Zhengzhou ...
news.zynews.cn/zz/2019-02/13/content_11678202.htm 2019-2-13

Television and Tourism Work of Zhengzhou for This Year...

strives to hold major high-quality activities including but not limited to The 8th International Mayor’s Forum on Tourism - Zhengzhou, China and The 7th Chinese Poetry Festival well and strives to invite domestic great
news.zynews.cn/zz/2023/03/14/610...html 2023-3-14

11月份东风雪铁龙销售2.3万余辆车 --即时新闻--中原网

东风雪铁龙11月共销售23218辆,其中新世嘉11月销售12389辆,创造了每日销售400台的新纪录,而C5自9月、10月销量连破3500辆之后,11月再现龙腾虎跃之势,销量突破4000辆,环比增长达14%以上,同时,也实现了连续4个月高速增长的佳绩。作为国内第一款以“Riding quality”动态舒适理念打造的中高级轿车,C5的动态舒适性更获得...
news.zynews.cn/2012-12/18/content_36... 2012-12-18

Facebook和谷歌大量收购互联网线路 以便把握命运 --即时新闻...

Owning the infrastructure also means that the internet companies serving up content to consumers will also keep a firm grip on quality. The last thing they want is users to flee because a crappy network is causing their sites to run slow. As Dan Caruso, CEO of a company that sells fiber ...
news.zynews.cn/2013-12/18/content_87... 2013-12-18

台湾“毒淀粉”风波愈演愈烈 食品添加屡屡“中毒” --即时新闻...

该评论表示,食品安全问题是两岸共同面临的热点和难点。我们希望,台湾小吃“要Q更要Q(Quality,质量)”,要严格“戒毒”,还台湾食品一个清白,还社会大众一个更加安全的消费环境,让“吃货”们游台更放心,为中华美食在全球的传扬,树立正面形象。(本报记者任成琦) [作者:郭思远 编辑:]分享到: 郑州...
news.zynews.cn/2013-06/03/content_50... 2013-6-3

河南金桥宾馆月饼无生产许可证 食品安全无保证--中国聚焦——中原网

消费日报网河南频道讯 近日,郑州市民李女士向消费日报网投诉,她在郑州市金水路上的金桥宾馆购买了几盒月饼,回家后发现月饼的外包装上竟然没有QS标志,担心这种月饼的质量没有保证。 QS是英文Quality Safety(质量安全)的缩写,《食品生产加工企业质量安全监督管理办法》明文规定,实施食品质量安全市场准入制度管理的食品。
news.zynews.cn/2014-08/29/content_96... 2014-8-29

质检总局、中宣部走进中粮蒙牛视察 --即时新闻--中原网

同时还引入了爱氏晨曦(Arla Foods)、达能集团(Danone)、新西兰安硕(AsureQuality)等战略伙伴,对标国际,系统提升质量管理。” 在乳品消费信心低迷的当下,眉山工厂在夯实质量基础的同时,还通过工厂开放日积聚消费信心,邀请消费者走进工厂参观,见证牛奶的生产过程,消费者在参观完眉山工厂后表示,看到一包牛奶要经过这么多...
news.zynews.cn/2013-09/27/content_73... 2013-9-27


” 作为中国乳品领军品牌,蒙牛正以全球最好的国际资源勾画出国际化发展的可持续路线。从法国达能、丹麦ArlaFoods、新西兰AsureQuality等国际品牌展开合作,到新西兰、澳大利亚、丹麦等建立世界级工厂、全球奶源布局等,都为其国际化品质奠定了坚实基础,为消费者生产更多健康优质的牛奶提供了持续的动力。 编辑:禹亚楠联系记者...
news.zynews.cn/2015-11/07/content_10... 2015-11-7